1. Drink more water. DONE! I was even bought a shiny Sigg water bottle this year!
2. One of my New Year's resolutions is to not sit at the computer as much. DONE! I have a 'smart phone' now, rendering my laptop almost superfluous.
3. Eat more local. NOT DONE! Well and truly missed on this one.
4. Get out on the Moor more often. NOT DONE! It pains me to consider that I have only completed 10 letterbox walks this year, and I'm only edging slowly to the end of a stamp album.
5. Distant and lofty peaks, outcrops and points must feature higher up my walk schedule. DONE! More than one trip up to High Willhays, treks out to Flat Tor and Lints Tor too.
6. Decide on my actual letterboxing name: DONE! whoisthechallenger. There.
7. Keep siting some nice boxes. NOT DONE! Nice boxes, but not enough sited. Just 2 new series in 2013. More to come in 2014.
8. Do the Ancient Dartmoor Perambulation walk. NOT DONE! I've got my sights set on the South West Coast Path now...
9. Finally, to continue blogging my Dartmoor Letterboxing adventures. DONE!
Happy 2014 everyone!!
1 comment:
Happy new year to you as well WITC!
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