Sunday, 23 October 2011
Off the beaten track
Monday, 17 October 2011
Battle Plans Part III - Any clearer?
Walkham Spur flagpole is to be relocated, a 'look out' constructed and access works to take place on slopes near Fuges Post and Walkham Head.
"North of Holming Beam, at the corner of the prison fence, a rivulet with steep sides inhibits access. A sleeper bridge would protect the sides of the rivulet and curtail the erosion from stock and walkers seeking the best place to cross. Permission for works on common land will be sought"
(IRMP Final 2010, Vol 2, A-MilitaryUse, MU-13)The 2013/4 budget has this covered. The buildings at Holming Beam are due to reach the end of their useful life, and in 2016/7 - so the plans say - they will be rebuilt as part of a new complex including relocated flagpole and mobile lookout.
One curiosity of last year's IRMP was about a new track linking Willsworthy Camp and Baggator. Indeed this includes a new crossing on the Tavy (neither a ford or bridge are mentioned). The plan states:
"There is an existing access track from Lookout 1 down to the Yellowmead Farm entrance. At this point, the track becomes obscured around the old farm buildings but is more prominent down to and across the stream. At the gate into the fields to the east of Yellowmead, grass marks indicate where traffic goes but the ground is soft. The proposal is to remove top soil throughout the section and consolidate hardcore to make an all weather track joining Lookout 1 with the Lane End car park.
After Lane End, a hard track goes to Nattor Farm after which it peters out. The aspiration is to extend this track down to and across the River Tavy onto ground, which would require the land owner’s agreement. From there the track will need to be engineered to climb the hill arriving eventually at the back of Standon Farm.
From Standon the track would then have to be constructed from scratch to run along the MOD freehold boundary below Standon Hill crossing the Baggator Brook above Baggator House and so to a position where a new agreement would be necessary to extend the track. From there the track would rise to Baggator Lookout to the south and South Common Plantation."
(IRMP Final 2010, Vol 2, A-MilitaryUse, MU-12)
Clark, Lt Col T; Loch, J; Sharpe, N; O’Leary, D; Mann, T; Brooks, R; Brown, M; Howells, O (2010) Dartmoor Training Area, Integrated Rural Management Plan, Volume 1 – Summary, and Action and Monitoring Plans. 2010-2020 (Review 2015), Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Ministry of Defence, Sutton Coldfield.